benefits of massage
- deep relaxation and stress reduction
- increased capacity for clearer thinking
- feeling of well-being
- relief of tension-related headaches, eye-strain
- greater joint flexibility and ease of motion
- improved posture
massage improves the circulation of the blood throughout the body, thus improving the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells, tissues and organs. it helps to remove metabolic wastes from the body and can be beneficial in decreasing blood pressure.
muscular system
stimulates and tones muscles. it helps to relieve soreness and stiffness in muscles and joints and strengthens connective tissues. it aids in relaxation, relieves fatigue, and provides relief of muscle spasms.
nervous system
massage increases the blood supply to the nerves and brain. it stimulates motor nerve points, alleviates stress and tension and promotes a sense of well-being.
massage increases the supply of blood to the skin, thereby noursihing tissues. it improves skin tone, helps to firm facial muscles, and helps to keep the sebaceous (oil) glands function normally.
digestive system
massage aids in relaxing the abdominal and intestinal muscles and improves functioning of the digestive system. Massage stimulates the liver and kidneys and helps to alleviate faulty elimination.
(Author Unknown, SFSM Course Materials)